Saturday 20 February 2016

The bus driver who saved his passengers from terrorists

Today: Nanak Chand Sharma, the brave bus driver who did not lose his nerve when terrorists attacked his bus, and drove 76 passengers to safety.
Locals flee the terror site
IMAGE: Locals near the site of the gunfight at the Dina Nagar police station in Gurdaspur district. Photograph: Munish Sharma/Reuters
The complete coverage
On 27th July, I started my trip at 3.40 am from Janial village (in Gurdaspur district). It is the first bus to start in the morning. It goes to Chandigarh. There were 76 passengers in the bus.
At around 5.30 am I was near Dina Nagar on the Pathankot-Gurdaspur Highway. At 5.35 am, as I drew close to the Dina Nagar police station, I saw a car parked on the road. Its lights were focused on the police station wall. The car doors were open.
There was a man standing on the road. He had tied a black cloth on his face and had a machine gun in his hand. He waved his hand to stop the bus.
We belong to the border area. I have seen images of terrorists. I realised that he was a terrorist.
Even my conductor understood that he was a terrorist. He blew his whistle twice, which is a signal to start the bus -- don't stop, just carry on! I stepped on the accelerator and we sped away. I kept driving.
The terrorist fired at the bus. The bullets hit two passengers. The terrified passengers started screaming. I acclerated further and drove to Gurdaspur which was 16 kms away, at full speed.
Policemen in a gun-battle with terrorists in Dina Nagar, Punjab
IMAGE: The terrorists were killed after a day-long gun battle. Photograph: Munish Sharma/Reuters
I took the bus straight to the Civil Hospital. They treated the injured passengers. By that time, the police had heard the news and had arrived at the hospital.
The unhurt passengers were transferred to another bus and sent to their destination.
I went to the Gurdaspur city police station and filed a report about what had happened.
I cannot imagine what would have happened if I had stopped the bus. Many passengers would have been killed and maybe my life too would have been in danger.

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